A few months ago I cut my hair. I went from this:
to this:
And then to this:
I never had any problem with cutting my hair actually. I gotta admit I love going to the hairdresser and cut and dye it and getting something totally different. But now.. Now I can't wait to have my hair longer again. All the ideas I have and how I want it, like braids, dip dye, making it more curly or maybe getting feather extensions again. My head is just exploding with all the ideas I have for my hair.
And the reason why I'm so excited is cause my hair is getting longer it's almost on my shoulders! Maybe 1 inch left maybe more I'm not sure.
I keep telling myself I can dye my hair but not cut it not till I got the length back I had on the first picture. We'll see how things go but I can't wait to have my hair long again!
xx ♥